Get in Touch

Hey there! Thanks for wanting to get in touch with us at San Francisco Pride.

We love hearing from our community, but let's be real - we're a little swamped. So, to make things easier for all of us, we kindly ask that you avoid contacting us by phone if you can. Why, you ask? Well, let's just say our phone lines have been known to get a little crazy during Pride season (and honestly, who has time for that?). Plus, we're all about being environmentally conscious, and we'd rather not waste paper on endless voicemail messages.

But fear not! You can still reach us through email. We promise we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for your understanding, and we can't wait to hear from you!

General Information
[email protected]
Corporate Sponsorship
[email protected]
Registration (Parade & Exhibitor)
[email protected]
Support By Email Only
Board of Directors
[email protected]
Support By Email Only

Entertainment Inquiries

Our two day celebration features stages centering different communities and types of music, and many other opportunities that feature the arts and entertainment.

Every year we receive thousands of submissions from personalities, performers, agents, and influencers. Please use the form linked below to streamline sharing the submissions collect with the many producers involved in our events.

Entertainment Submissions

San Francisco Pride Offices

San Francisco Pride
1663 Mission Street
Suite 305, Third Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

Our office is currently operating remotely and we don't have regular office hours. We're all working hard from our cozy homes, sipping on our rainbow lattes and blasting Madonna's "Vogue" on repeat.

But don't fret, you can still make an appointment to visit us in person! Just shoot us an email and we'll coordinate a time for you to come by. Our team is always happy to connect with our community and spread the love.

Public Transportation

We are accessible by the MUNI F line at the Van Ness stop, followed by a three-block walk. We are accessible by the MUNI J, K, L, M, and N lines, at Van Ness, followed by a three-block walk. Bus lines with the closest stop are the 14 and 49.


Metered street parking is sometimes available on Mission, and there are one or two unmetered spaces on "Plum Street", which no longer goes through to Van Ness.

Support The Pink Triangle

Learn More


project by Patrick Carney
sponsored by SF Pride
